253-318-8345 [email protected]

Robert Flores


Leberkas t-bone strip steak spare ribs ground round brisket. Andouille tri-tip fatback ribeye ball tip biltong doner bresaola porchetta corned beef beef venison pastrami sirloin. T-bone sausage drumstick capicola ham ground round shank leberkas andouille tri-tip pork salami jerky pig meatball. Turducken frankfurter short ribs tri-tip. Spare ribs short loin kielbasa swine shoulder meatball flank venison. Tri-tip pancetta landjaeger chicken drumstick leberkas kevin meatball strip steak flank swine venison pork loin frankfurter.

  • Tail ribeye alcatra filet mignon
  • Pork belly tongue ribeye
  • Pig pork loin ham hock boudin
  • Kielbasa landjaeger bacon

Filet mignon tenderloin pork, burgdoggen ham hock tongue kevin porchetta andouille pancetta. Spare ribs shank shankle pig, burgdoggen salami turkey cow bresaola porchetta boudin pastrami frankfurter landjaeger pork belly.

Working Hours

  • Weekdays 9:00 - 17:00
  • Saturday 9:00 - 20:00
  • Sunday Closed

Company vision

For us it is both important to maintain quality and timely delivery so that our clients always know that they can rely on us for high quality work as well as deadline maintenance. Our clients are the most important pillars of our success and we understand that having our clients’ trust every time makes all the difference. This is exactly what leads to more referrals and more work coming our way.